Thursday, December 31, 2009

10 Blessings I Received During 2009

This morning I have been reflecting just a little on 2009, and so I thought, I will make a list of the blessings I have experienced throughout the year. Here goes…….

1. I am totally blessed to have my fiancée, Jaclyn Elliott, in my life. She is an absolutely wonderful person and woman of God. I cannot wait to marry her in April. She has blessed my life this past year in ways I could never put in words. She has stood by me through difficult times. She has showered me with prayers. I must brag about her, and say that she never turned and ran away through the struggle we experienced this past year. She hung in there and showed great character even when others where not being so nice. Jaclyn is real and authentic. She does not try to be something she is not. I have seen her bad side, and I have seen her wonderful side. Actually, I love her even more that I have seen her weaknesses because that let's me know she is not afraid to be genuine. I know she has a heart for Christ, and I am so blessed that she has chosen to be with me.

2. I am blessed to have two wonderful sons. Christian is a blessing to me. He is my oldest. His guitar playing brings joy to me because he shares a gift and talent that I have as well. I am also proud that he is doing well in school. He is an awesome football player on his middle school team. You know, I am even thankful for his strong personality. He will be a great leader someday. No, let me restate that. He is a great leader now, and I know he will exceed his potential in the future. Austin, my youngest son, is also a blessing to me. Austin is daddy's boy. He is really great with children who are younger than he is. It seems that, wherever he goes, little children are naturally drawn to him. Maybe, he has a gift and talent to minister to or serve children. Austin is real. I don't think I have ever seen him fake being who he is. He can be quiet when around strangers, but I think he is just sizing up the situation so he can lay down the boom later. He does not judge people due to their skin color, and I am proud of him for this attitude. And let me tell you, he is a master at video games. I think his expertise will be in technology as he grows older. Anyway, both of my sons are wonderful, and they are certainly at the top of my list of blessings.

3. I must mention Love In Action International Ministries ( LIA has been such a blessing to me. Being able to help with ministering to the poor, marginalized, and homeless, has caused me to grow spiritually in ways I could never imagine. I am so thankful for Ken Tuck, Martha Tuck, Mike Shroades, Justin Swasey, and Mama (Susie) Tuck, oh, and let me not forget Franklin Moore. These people are not just people who have allowed me to minister with them, but they are people who have become such great friends to me. My life has been completely altered (for better or for worse, no just kidding, they have truly blessed me) because they have allowed me to enter their's. And I must say, they have stuck with me (just like Jaclyn) through difficult times in my life this past year. To all those that Love In Action has ministered to and served, I say, I love you because all of you have blessed me tremendously.

4. Also, I need to mention all the great friendships I have developed over the past year. All these people truly blessed my life in 2009, even if they do not realize it. Here they are: Bill Price, Jack Kale, Roy Rogers, Mike Hoppe, Mike Pearson, Steve Stock, Bob Pitcher, Mark Fleming, Marty Hamilton, Adam Mashburn, Andy Eckart, Max Morris, Ted Hils, Stu McMahan, Amy McMahan, Jeff Burnett, Cheryl Hidle, Christine Avant, Jaromy Henry, Myrna Henry, Doug Bell, Steve Horn, and this list could go on. I say thanks to you all for your friendship, love, comfort, patience, and prayers. I truly love you all, and you are all dear to my heart.

5. Of course, I say thanks to all the staff at Harvest Church. It has been a great pleasure to minister with you all. 2009 was a great year for Harvest. Grace and Peace to you guys and gals.

6. I want to say a special thank you to my mother and father, my brother and sister. I love all of you. You have been my family my entire life, and you have always stood beside me and gave me encouragement. Thanks for all the love you have shown me throughout my 37 years. You are the reason for who I am!

7. Asbury Theological Seminary has blessed me over the past year. I have grown so much in Christ because of the wonderful teaching of so many Spirit filled professors. You all have really stretched my thinking, and my faith has grown stronger because of it. May God continue to use Asbury Seminary in powerful ways.

8. I want to thank the Haven in Dothan, AL for allowing me to speak to their people from time to time as needs have shown themselves. I have been extremely blessed due to your trust in me. God bless the Haven, and what it is doing in the lives of so many who struggle with addiction.

9. Thanks to the United Methodist Church for allowing me to pursue candidacy for ordination. I am so thankful for your open hearts, open minds, and open doors. I am so blessed by you.

10. Lastly, I am thankful and blessed for, well, myself. I am blessed that I have persevered with myself. I am thankful that I have not let myself fall apart this year. Trust me, I have had reason to, but I must pat myself on the back and say that I continued to looked toward Jesus and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and I have sought comfort in my faith and great Christian friends and counsel. I am blessed that I have not given up on myself, my dreams, my calling, and my life. I pray that I will continue to do all I can to ignite a movement of faith, hope, and love with creative passion.

Well, there they are. The ten blessings of my life in the year of 2009.

What about Heaven and Hell?

Is heaven real? Yes. Is hell real? Yes.

Heaven is a dimension where God lives. A spiritual dimension that is all around us. We can’t see it, and we cannot fully engage in it. Yet, it is real. Heaven is not a place that is a million miles away where God is sitting on a throne looking down at us. God is here living among and with us and even in us, though we do not completely with all of our being encounter Him and His Kingdom.

Heaven is where God is, and it is where God’s will is being done. It is all around us. It is surrounding us. God is omnipresent. His Spirit is everywhere. We get glimpses of Heaven when we see someone healed or see someone come to put their trust in Christ and begin to live with Him as their leader. Heaven is here all around us. We cannot fully participate in it yet, but Jesus has brought it near. Remember, Jesus said, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven has come near” (or is at hand).

In the present, we live in the tension that Heaven has arrived and has been inaugurated; however, it is not fully here. We live in the present where the past (the coming of the Kingdom with Jesus) kisses the future (the full recreation, consummation, the New Heaven coming to the New Earth, and the establishment of the New Jerusalem). This is where we reside. We long to fully experience Heaven, which is all around us, but we can only partially engage with it; yet, the hope of the future experience of Heaven awaits us, and this hope gives us the courage to push forward in faith working in love to co-operate with God in the present to bring Heaven to earth. In essence, we become God’s agents to bring about the recreation of the entire cosmos. Those who choose to join Christ in bringing Heaven to earth in the Present will live with God in the New Heaven and the New Earth in the future consummation.

Those who choose to live with Christ now will live with Him in the future.

Hell is another dimension where God is not. A dimension where God’s will is not being done at all. It is the complete opposite of Heaven where God is and His will is done. Hell is complete separation from God, and because of this separation it is Hell. A place of darkness, suffering, and agony. A place were narcissistic people try to satisfy their selfish desires by feeding on other narcissistic people. Hell can be experienced on earth in a similar way as Heaven, though it cannot be fully experienced at this time. People around the world are suffering, starving, sick, and being treated unjustly. Sin reigns in the hearts of many, and nations war against nations. Unbridled consumerism and materialism are the fastest growing religions that entire countries are bowing down to. Due to this stampeding greed, marginalized people are being exploited and treated in inhumane ways. People of all cultures and religions are blinded to the truth of the Gospel, even some of those who call themselves Christian.

This is but a small example of the Hell that is on earth; however, as terrible as these things are, they do not compare to the full expression of Hell. Those who choose to disregard the way of Heaven in the present will live in Hell in the future, when Christ comes back to judge the living and the dead and to fully establish His Kingdom with the New Heaven and the New Earth.

Those who choose to live without God now will continue to live without Him in the future.

So, we as Christians bring Heaven to earth in the present, and by doing so, we co-operate with God to bring the full expression of His Kingdom at the close of history. We do this as we live out our calling of being blessed to be a blessing. Being a blessing to others through the power of the Holy Spirit actually reduces the impact of Hell in the present, and eventually, as we move toward the full consummation of God’s creation, Hell will be completely erased from His creation, and there will be no expression of Hell in the New Heaven and the New Earth. This is the exciting news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God had its D-Day in the arrival of Jesus, and through His people the Holy Spirit expands the Kingdom until the final day of victory.

Want you join the call to be blessed to be a blessing? The Kingdom of Heaven awaits you!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Good News is Good News to the Whole World

It seems that most believers think the good news is only good news for Christians, but nothing could be further from the truth. If you remember, the children of Israel were blessed to be a blessing; however, they forgot they had been chosen by God to be a blessing to the world, and they began thinking of themselves as privileged and exclusive. The Israelites forgot about their mission of compassion and justice and mercy and caring for the poor, widow, orphan, and foreigner, and began to think of themselves as the only ones who were loved by God. Salvation became something that was only for them or so they thought. They were the exclusive “in group” while everyone else was the rejected “out group.” Of course, pride, arrogance, and self-righteousness began to consume their lives as they looked down their noses at other peoples and nations.

If you think about it, some Christians have become the same way. Instead of remembering that they are blessed to be a blessing, they think of themselves as the “in group” while everyone else is the “out group” deserving of hell; however, the good news is good news for all people, not just for us Christians. The Kingdom of God has come near, and because it has, God is redeeming the entire cosmos. Jesus inaugurated the redemption of all things. This is good news to all.

If a person is a Christian, they have entered God’s redeeming process in the world, and that person joins other Christians in cooperating with God in bringing heaven to earth. This entails social action as well as conversing about Jesus and His redeeming work in the world. This means joining hands with our Father in caring for the poor, widow, orphan, and foreigner. It means following the Holy Spirit’s guidance in reaching out to the marginalized of society. It means clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, visiting prisoners, and fighting for justice. It also means that Christians are to ask others to forsake their selfishness and to acknowledge that Jesus is Lord and Savior of all and to recruit others to join God’s redemptive process of His entire creation.

Wow! Isn’t this good news to all?

For those who have not yet acknowledged Jesus as Lord and Savior, the good news is still good news because their world should become a better place for them because Christians are living out their call to be a blessing to others. I hope you are getting the picture here. Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, and even Christians benefit from the good news because the good news, when taken seriously by believers, benefits the whole world, not just Christendom. Oh, how I long that we could realize that the good news is not about who is in or who is out. That is missing the point. The good news is that Jesus has brought the Kingdom of God near, that the redemption of all things has been inauguarated, that all people are invited to join God in His redemptive process through Jesus by the Holy Spirit, and that those who do begin to cooperate with God in the redemptive process are BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING TO THE WHOLE WORLD. As Christians live out this vision of blessed to be a blessing, then the whole world benefits, not just believers only. Now that is truly good news!

Stay tuned for: What About Heaven and Hell?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Making the World a Better Place

My last post was about being blessed to bless others. Now, let me clarify something. I am not only talking about money. I am mainly talking about being Christ to all we are in contact with. Being a blessing to someone can take many forms. A Christian can bless someone by praying, or cooking a meal, or visiting, or even speaking a kind word to someone. The idea is to benefit someone other than yourself. A believer seeks to make the world a better place for all people. That is what Jesus has recruited us to do. That is the essence of bringing heaven to earth. Christians bring heaven to earth by being a benefit to other people. Actually, that is a the way the Kingdom of Heaven is expanded. Obviously, as a Christian is working to be a benefit to others, opportunities come to tell others about Jesus and the Kingdom of God. As this happens, the Christian gets to ask others to follow Christ, and when others choose to follow Christ, then they become agents of God’s Kingdom to be a blessing to even more people. There is no dichotomy of evangelism and social action. There can be no true evangelism without social action, and there is no true social action without evangelism. That’s why I am beginning to say, “We are blessed to be a blessing.” As we follow this simple principle of God’s Kingdom, we are in fact spreading the gospel in word and deed. Remember, sharing the love of Christ takes more than words; however, without the words the deeds are empty. Being a blessing to others involves both acting and talking like Christ. Catch the vision and become a blessing to others. That was the original call to the children of Abraham, and since we as Christians are adopted into Abraham’s family, that is our calling as well. Christians are blessed to be a blessing in order to make the world a better place for all. Let’s begin now!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Blessed to be a Blessing

I am reminded this morning of God's promise to Abraham. God told Abraham, "I will bless you so you may be a blessing to others" (my paraphrase). This promise is an exciting thing. As a believer in Christ, I am blessed so I can be a blessing to others. God has given me the privilege of showing others the love, compassion, mercy, and justice of God. That's what I challenge you to do today as I challenge myself as well. Be a blessing to others just as God has blessed you. You know, it's not all about ourselves. It's about reaching out and extending the Kingdom of God to all people, no matter who they may be.

God give me the strength and courage to bless others as you have blessed me. May my heart be filled with a passion to be a benefit to all, regardless of race, gender, religion, socio-economic background, culture, or any other boundary that tends to separate humanity from one another. Father, help me to persuade and influence others to join me.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Thank You to Greystone UMC

I preached this morning at Greystone UMC. I want to thank Pastor Mike Pearson for allowing me to speak. The entire service was great. I sensed the presence of the Holy Spirit, and I know that God has great things in store for Greystone and its people. The congregation was extremely warm and welcoming. I really felt the love of Christ being shared. Check out their website at The services at Greystone are alternative, which means they have a blended service of both contemporary and traditional means of worship. I spoke about "Knowing God Through Prayer," and the people really seemed to be zoned and focused into the message. I really feel that God ministered to the congregation in a powerful way. It was a great privilege to speak at Greystone, and once again, I thank Mike Pearson and the people of Greystone for giving me the opportunity to minister with and to such a great church.