Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Good News is Good News to the Whole World

It seems that most believers think the good news is only good news for Christians, but nothing could be further from the truth. If you remember, the children of Israel were blessed to be a blessing; however, they forgot they had been chosen by God to be a blessing to the world, and they began thinking of themselves as privileged and exclusive. The Israelites forgot about their mission of compassion and justice and mercy and caring for the poor, widow, orphan, and foreigner, and began to think of themselves as the only ones who were loved by God. Salvation became something that was only for them or so they thought. They were the exclusive “in group” while everyone else was the rejected “out group.” Of course, pride, arrogance, and self-righteousness began to consume their lives as they looked down their noses at other peoples and nations.

If you think about it, some Christians have become the same way. Instead of remembering that they are blessed to be a blessing, they think of themselves as the “in group” while everyone else is the “out group” deserving of hell; however, the good news is good news for all people, not just for us Christians. The Kingdom of God has come near, and because it has, God is redeeming the entire cosmos. Jesus inaugurated the redemption of all things. This is good news to all.

If a person is a Christian, they have entered God’s redeeming process in the world, and that person joins other Christians in cooperating with God in bringing heaven to earth. This entails social action as well as conversing about Jesus and His redeeming work in the world. This means joining hands with our Father in caring for the poor, widow, orphan, and foreigner. It means following the Holy Spirit’s guidance in reaching out to the marginalized of society. It means clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, visiting prisoners, and fighting for justice. It also means that Christians are to ask others to forsake their selfishness and to acknowledge that Jesus is Lord and Savior of all and to recruit others to join God’s redemptive process of His entire creation.

Wow! Isn’t this good news to all?

For those who have not yet acknowledged Jesus as Lord and Savior, the good news is still good news because their world should become a better place for them because Christians are living out their call to be a blessing to others. I hope you are getting the picture here. Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, and even Christians benefit from the good news because the good news, when taken seriously by believers, benefits the whole world, not just Christendom. Oh, how I long that we could realize that the good news is not about who is in or who is out. That is missing the point. The good news is that Jesus has brought the Kingdom of God near, that the redemption of all things has been inauguarated, that all people are invited to join God in His redemptive process through Jesus by the Holy Spirit, and that those who do begin to cooperate with God in the redemptive process are BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING TO THE WHOLE WORLD. As Christians live out this vision of blessed to be a blessing, then the whole world benefits, not just believers only. Now that is truly good news!

Stay tuned for: What About Heaven and Hell?

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