Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Love In Action

I just wanted to write and say how awesome it is to be a part of Love In Action Ministries. Ken and Martha Tuck are the bomb. We had a great board meeting tonight, and I know God is doing, and will continue to do, some really tremendous things through LIA. The homeless, marginalized, and poor are close to the heart of God, and they should be close to our hearts as well. It is such a privilege to be ministering with such a great group of people. You all know who you are. God bless you all!

"Understanding poverty in all its dimensions (economic, political, cultural, physical, and spiritual), Wesley took the command of Jesus, to minister to and live with the poor, with utter seriousness. For Wesleyans, aiding the poor means making them more capable to fulfill their God-given gifts; it does not mean making them dependent. Simply giving money, however, important, will not release people from poverty unless the other dimensions of poverty are addressed. This means, of course, that the systems causing impoverished conditions must be changed. But it also means that disciples of Christ must be intimately related to the poor so that the poor can be fully brought into life-giving community. One of the most distinctive aspects of Wesley's teaching was that, while one cannot earn one's salvation, one's experience of the joy of salvation is to be found in the midst of what God is doing in and with the poor" (The Wesley Study Bible, p. 247).


  1. Really good blog! I believe that although giving money to those in need is good, there is much more to be done than just reaching into our wallets. What good is giving our money if we refuse to give of our time? What good does it it do for those in need if we do not leave the impression of Christ with them? There are a lot in need, and there is much that we, as Christians, can be doing.

  2. Excellent post Bro. It's a privilege to serve Jesus with you. Throughout the Bible we see where God tells us to help the poor. You are right. It's much more than money. Jaclyn hit the nail on the head when she mentions time in her comment. As Pastor Matthew Barnett of the L.A. Dream Center once said, "Once you put yourselves in another man's shoes, your life will never be the same." He was talking about taking time to spend time, help and disciple the homeless and poor. He is so right. Mine and Martha's lives will never be the same. The past nine years of ministering to the homeless and poor have really changed our lives. The intense discipleship we're doing with the homeless here in Dothan has been life changing. To make a difference in someone's life, you have to be willing to spend time. You also have to have a passion for Jesus. And you, my brother, definitely have a passion for Christ and for helping the "least of these."

  3. Good post Brian...we always think of the poor as living on the bad side of town or living on the streets. Poverty is far beyond economic conditions...some people are poor due to their mindset. Giving money is necessary...giving hope is intoxicating.
